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Beyond The Bio: A Spotlight on Norma Abt

Beyond The Bio: A Spotlight on Norma Abt

As a Chronologist at IMS Legal Strategies | Juris Medicus (IMS | JM), Norma Abt, a skilled professional with a background in medical transcription, is adept at interpreting complex medical information and piecing together fragmented data to create cohesive reports. Read on to explore Norma's insights on her role, accomplishments, and the distinctive culture that sets IMS | JM apart, from fostering employee recognition to upholding values of "Quality & Excellence."

Q: How did you find / why did you choose IMS | JM?

A: My background was a perfect fit for the industry. With my entire career devoted to the health information industry, particularly in medical transcription, I was searching for a part-time position conducive to remote work. That is when I found a role for chronicling medical records for expert review. Starting as an independent contractor, I found the work rewarding and eventually transitioned to a full-time employee after three years.

Q: What do you like most about your specific department and / or role?

A: Telling the story. The information we are required to review and chronicle does not come in an easy-to-read format. Most of the time, it is in bits and pieces that are not in any particular order. The team's responsibility is to create the timeline and look for missing pieces, and the result is a storyline.

Q: What internal accomplishment are you most proud of?

A: Although this accomplishment is not complete yet, I am most proud of a series of medical terminology PowerPoint videos that I have been tasked with creating. So far, I have completed one and have volumes two and three in the works. By the end of the project, I hope to have completed between seven and eight educational training PowerPoints for IMS | JM employees.

Q: What do you think sets IMS | JM apart from competitors or other companies?

A: The kind of work we do is very unique and interesting. Before I came to IMS | JM, I had no idea that this type of industry existed. Members of the executive and leadership teams are interested in their employees and recognize accomplishments regularly. They encourage everyone to "Operate as One" and deliver "Quality & Excellence" in every project we complete. The company is spread across the country, and there truly is an effort not to allow their employees to just become a number.

Q: How do the IMS | JM core values align with your own?

A: The IMS | JM core values are not all that different from mine. The one that aligns with me the most is "Quality & Excellence." Delivering quality work, consistently providing exceptional value, continuing to strive to exceed expectations, and holding oneself accountable embody the essence of the company's values.

Q: What has been your favorite case to work on so far?

A: Reflecting on the dynamic nature of my role, each case presents its own challenges and unique needs. While I do not have a favorite case so far, the diverse range of experiences makes the job fascinating. We can go from mundane to "WOW!" at any moment.

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IMS | JM is honored to have Norma on the team. Thank you for all you do!

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