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Beyond the Bio: A Spotlight on Robin Martin

Beyond the Bio: A Spotlight on Robin Martin

At IMS | Juris Medicus, we believe our people are our greatest asset. In honor of our incredible team, we are thrilled to go "beyond the bio" and share the personal stories of employees across our organization.

Robin Martin, a Chronologist at IMS | Juris Medicus, plays a crucial role in transforming complex data into comprehensive timelines of events. With a background in health information and extensive experience in medical record reviews, Robin brings a keen eye for detail and a commitment to excellence to her role. Her dedication to supporting her team and passion for continuous learning make her an invaluable asset to our organization.

Q: How/why did you get into this industry?

A: My background and degree are in health information. Over the course of my career, I have gained experience by working in hospitals and for an insurance company in their medical records department. While working in the hospitals, I had the opportunity to work across various departments, which allowed me to gain knowledge in diverse types of patient care.

Q: How did you find/why did you choose IMS | Juris Medicus?

A: I sought an organization that upholds integrity and values its staff. After meeting my potential employers at IMS | Juris Medicus, I knew I wanted to work for them. I liked the idea of still being involved with the medical field while contributing to a cohesive timeline of information.

Q: What do you like most about your specific department and/or role?

A: I appreciate the process of transforming complex information provided into a legible document, which is a detailed timeline of events. I enjoy the meticulous and detail-oriented nature of the department.

Q: What internal accomplishment are you most proud of?

A: I am most proud of my ability to support my department by training new employees and being a reliable source for those who may have questions or need assistance. Anytime I can lend a hand to my supervisor, or co-workers is very rewarding.

Q: Are there any stories/memories you would like to share?

A: My favorite memories are of building relationships with my co-workers who have become friends. I work with a wonderful group of people and I enjoy their company every day.

Q: What do you think sets IMS | Juris Medicus apart from competitors or other companies?

A: What sets IMS | Juris Medicus apart is our commitment to excellence and our dedication to providing the best possible experience for our clients.

Q: How do the IMS | Juris Medicus core values align with your own?

A: In all things, I "Honor the Relationship” with those in my life. I deeply value honesty, integrity, and communication. These principles align seamlessly with the core values of IMS | Juris Medicus.

Q: If you were an attorney-client (or an expert witness), what would you find most valuable about the process at IMS | Juris Medicus?

A: Our commitment to our clients and experts is the most valuable aspect of the work we do. We honor their time and value their trust in us to help fulfill their needs.

Q: Do you have any predictions or comments on industry trends?

A: Having been with the company for six years, I have witnessed continuous growth. I predict that this trend of growth will continue in the future.

Q: What has been your favorite case to work on so far?

A: All my cases are interesting and offer valuable learning opportunities. Each case helps me improve in my role, as I continually learn new things from the unique challenges presented by different matters.

Learn More

Thank you to Robin for your dedication to our team. Visit the links below to meet the IMS | Juris Medicus team and learn about our process and career opportunities.

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