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Elevating Legal Expertise at the GDLA Annual Meeting

Elevating Legal Expertise at the GDLA Annual Meeting

We are proud to support the 57th Georgia Defense Lawyers Association (GDLA) Annual Meeting June 13-16 in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida. Our team is dedicated to fostering meaningful connections within the Georgia litigation community. Director of Client Development Heather Ledbetter, Global Solutions Advisor Craig Comeaux, and Georgia-based Account Executive Chris Nolin look forward to engaging with attendees.

As a leading medical expert sourcing firm serving lawyers nationwide, we are delighted to announce our expanded support for Georgia and Florida litigators in personal injury cases and similar matters involving injuries.

IMS | Juris Medicus provides access to an invitation-only panel of more than 500 licensed and board-certified or board-eligible medical experts spanning 85+ specialties. In addition, our full suite of expert witness services allows clients to focus on case strategy while we manage essential details. Whatever you require, our process ensures you find the right expert. Contact us today to get started.

Let’s Stay Connected

Trust IMS | JM to efficiently handle your medical expert needs for personal injury cases, insurance claims, and similar matters. With more than a decade of experience, we stand as a beacon of reliability and proficiency in the field. Contact our team to get started.

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