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What Kind of Impact Does a Medical Expert Witness Have?

What Kind of Impact Does a Medical Expert Witness Have?

What Kind of Impact Does a Medical Expert Witness Have?

A medical expert witness can have a tremendous impact on a case due to their expertise. Both sides will most likely examine and cross-examine this person because their professional opinion as a witness can profoundly influence the judge and jury. So, here's what you need to know about a medical expert witness.

The Extent of Knowledge of the Medical Witness

Medical expert witnesses are often called to testify in cases where their specific knowledge and expertise are needed. They can testify about medical necessity of various procedures, were specific procedures medically indicated, identify pharmaceutical products and their necessity, address causation, and a lot more. These details can affect the outcome of a cause.

The Experts' Words of Opinion in Court

When a medical witness is called to testify, their skill and training will be questioned. Their words form an opinion and their skill sets are unique enough to warrant expert status thus having some effect on case outcome.

The Expert's Opinion is Reliable

Certain factors are taken into consideration when dealing with expert testimony.

These witnesses must be considered an expert in the field of interest by their education, training, and background. Great effort goes into proving their expertise and each side asks specific questions to help verify the witness's testimony and prove the information being presented is accurate or not. Attorneys go to great lengths to make sure the expert they use is reliable and trustworthy.

Why Juris Medicus

That is why so many law firms choose to use Juris Medicus for their medical expert needs. Our experts are qualified to review the specific medical records and imaging and truthfully report their professional opinion.

Let’s Stay Connected

Trust IMS | JM to efficiently handle your medical expert needs for personal injury cases, insurance claims, and similar matters. With more than a decade of experience, we stand as a beacon of reliability and proficiency in the field. Contact our team to get started.

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