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All News & Insights  (page 12)


5 Tips For Becoming A Medical Expert Witness

If you have worked in the medical field and are looking to put that practice to use elsewhere, then perhaps you have thought...

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Juris Medicus Establishing What (Part 2 of 3)

Author and inspirational speaker, Simon Sinek, created his “Golden Circle” and encouraged organizations to develop their...

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Texas Supreme Court In Review

The post below was provided to Juris Medicus from Caroline Newman Small, Managing Partner at Davis & Santos, P.C. To learn...

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Case Studies

Meeting a Tight Deadline for a Counter Affidavit Case Study

Situation: Client reached out to Juris Medicus looking for an expert to review and provide cost counter-affidavits (if...

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Why Jury Trials Are Disappearing Even Though Civil Attorneys Prefer Them

The post below was provided to Juris Medicus from our partner company IMS Consulting and Expert Services. To learn more...

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Juris Medicus Knows Their Why (Part 1 of 3)

Most organizations can tell you what they do. They may even tell you how they do it. But only a few companies can...

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